Kamla Harris is an American politician who has been nominated for the vice president …
The Hindu news paper pdf of 15 October The Hindu News paper pdf of 15 October The Hi…
15-October-1987 Times Eye Research Foundation was established in Amritsar, India.…
14-October-1884 Lala Har Dayal, revolutionary, nationalist and freedom fighter, w…
13-October-1240 Radiya Sultan, first lady ruler of Delhi throne, passed away in a…
12-October-1860 Sir Henry G W Smith, leader of British-Indian forces, passed away…
11 October history of India A violent earthquake and cyclone hit Calcutta which …
10 October history of india 10-October-1756 Clive sailed from Madras, to ca…
9-October-1874 Nicholas Roerich, great professor, master, artist, scientist, educ…
8-October-1880 Ernest F E Douwes Dekker, Dutch founder of National India Party, w…
7-October-1586 The Mughal army entered Srinagar where 'Khutbah' was being…
5-October-1676 East India company got authority from the King of England to mint …
Watch HD krishanu web series in Bengali and Hindi To watch krishanu krishanu fu…
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